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Child Protection Policy 2023


Soccer Development & BSFC Academy acknowledges it’s roles & responsibilities towards every child & young person who has been entrusted to it’s care.


We subscribe to the Child Protection Procedures & Practices contained in the hand book published by the football association November 2000, & endorse, & accept the following statement;


“Every child or young person who participates in football should be able to take part in an enjoyable & safe environment & be protected from abuse”.

To meet it’s objective, Soccer Development & BSFC Academy have appointed Tim Moylette as Child Protection Officer, who is first point of contact for any queries, tel no: 01279 306118 / 07740945117 or


The following key points of good practice apply to coaching staff:

  • Always working in an open environment (e.g. avoiding private or unobserved situations and encouraging open communication with no secrets).

  • Treating all young people equally with respect and dignity.

  • Always putting the welfare of each young person first, before winning or achieving goals.

  • Maintaining a safe and appropriate distance with players (e.g. it is not appropriate for staff or volunteers to have an intimate relationship with a child or to share a room with them).

  • Building balanced relationships based on mutual trust which empowers children to share in the decision-making process;

  • Making sport fun, enjoyable and promoting fair play.

  • Ensuring that if any form of manual/physical support is required, it should be provided openly and according to guidelines provided by the Coach Education Programme. Care is needed, as it is difficult to maintain hand positions when the child is constantly moving. Young people should always be consulted and their agreement gained. Some parents are becoming increasingly sensitive about manual support and their views should always be carefully considered.

  • Being an excellent role model – this includes not smoking or drinking alcohol in the company of young people.

  • Giving enthusiastic and constructive feedback rather than negative criticism.

  • Securing parental consent in writing to act in loco parentis, if the need arises to administer emergency first aid and/or other medical treatment.

  • Keeping a written record of any injury that occurs, along with the details of any treatment given.

  • Avoid spending excessive amounts of time alone with children away from others

  • Avoid taking or dropping off a child to an event

Practices never to be sanctioned

The following should never be sanctioned. You should never:

  • Engage in rough, physical or sexually provocative games, including horseplay

  • Allow or engage in any form of inappropriate touching

  • Make sexually suggestive comments to a child, even in fun

  • Reduce a child to tears as a form of control

Invite or allow children to stay with you at your home unsupervised

Safeguarding Policy


SOCCER DEVELOPMENT acknowledges its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of every child and young person and is committed to providing a safe environment for all. We recognize that a child is anyone under the age of 18 and subscribes to The Football Association’s (The FA) Safeguarding Children Policy and Procedures. SOCCER DEVELOPMENT endorses and adopts the following key safeguarding principles:

  • the child’s welfare is, and must always be, the paramount consideration;

  • all children and young people have a right to be protected from abuse regardless of their; age, gender, gender reassignment, sexual 

  • orientation, marital status or civil

  • partnership, race, nationality, ethnic origin, colour, religion or belief, ability or disability, pregnancy and maternity;

  • all suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately; and

  • working in partnership with other organizations, children and young people and their parents/carers is essential. We acknowledge that every child or young person who plays or participates in football should be able to take part in an enjoyable and safe environment and be protected from poor practice and abuse. Soccer Development recognizes that this is the responsibility of every adult involved in our club.


Safety Rules/Code of Conduct




  • Parents of children  must stay & supervise their children at ALL SESSIONS (no shouting/smoking/drinking alcohol).




Parents/guardians have a great influence on childrens enjoyment & success in football.  All children play football because they first & foremost love the game – it’s fun.  It is important to remember that however good a child becomes at football within our club, it is important that we reinforce the message to parents/guardians that positive encouragement will contribute to:



  • Children enjoying football.


  • A sense of personal achievement.


  • Self-esteem.


  • Improving the child’s skills & techniques.


  • We expect all parents/guardians within our club to be always positive and encouraging towards all of the children (not just their own).  Parents/guardians are expected to adhere to the following code of conduct.


  • Applaud the opposition as well as our own team.


  • Avoid coaching the child during the game.


  • At matches, the managers/coaches will have had team talks.  Tactics will have been decided prior to the match.  Whilst encouragement is welcomed, please do not shout instruction to players during a game.


  • Give encouragement to everyone to participate in football.


  • Read the Players Code of Conduct provided to your child.  Please encourage your child to comply with the code.


  • Familiarise themselves with the Child Protection Policy.  The Child Protection Officer is Tim Moylette.



  • Parents must return 10 minutes before the end of session.


  • All children must be sent wearing appropriate clothing, cub kit, shin guards, trainers for gym or astro, football boots for fields, warm clothing & waterproofs for outside & bottle of water.  


Code of Conduct for Parents/Guardians



  1. Soccer Development has a role to play in safeguarding the welfare of all children and young people by protecting them from physical, sexual, or emotional harm and from neglect or bullying. It is noted and accepted that The FA’s Safeguarding Children Regulations (see The FA Handbook rules-governance/lawsandrules/fa-handbook) apply to everyone in football whether in a paid or voluntary capacity, including coaches/managers, volunteers, match officials, helpers on club tours, or medical staff or other club officials/helpers


  3. We endorse and adopt The FA’s Safer Recruitment guidelines and we will:​

    • ​​Specify what the role is and what tasks it involves;

    • Request identification documents;

    • As a minimum meet and chat with the applicant(s) and where possible interview people before appointing them;

    • Ask for and follow up with 2 references before appointing someone; and

    • Where eligible require an FA- accepted DBS enhanced with barred list Check, in line with The FA’s current Safeguarding Children Policy and Regulations.

Safety Rules/Codes of Conduct




  • Always register in with coach at start of all sessions.

  • Never to leave training area without adult supervision.

  • Never to leave or wander off site, & must wait to be de-registered at end of session by coach.

  • Use of abusive language will not be tolerated.

  •  Do not argue with coaching staff.

  • PLAY SAFE – Never push, pull, trip, kick.

  •  PLAY SAFE – Try to stay on feet, no sliding.

  • PLAY SAFE – Look before you run.

  • PLAY SAFE – Not to kick the ball at anybody.

  • Not to enter or leave sessions without parents.

  • No going home early, no wandering off, all children must only leave after de-registration, name called out by coach & matched to parent.


  • No making fun of other children.

  • To play with a smile & good attitude.

  • Never play around with equipment, cones, goals or stand/balance on gym benches.

  •  When indoors never aim football deliberately at lights or windows. 

  • Code of Conduct for Players

  • Players are the most important people in the sport.  Playing for the team, & for the team to win, is the most fundamental part of the game.  But not winning at any cost – Fair Play & respect for all others in the game is important.

  • The key concepts in the Code are valid for players at all levels.

  • Obligations towards the game

  • A player should;

  • Make every effort to develop their own abilities, in terms of skill, technique, tactics & stamina.

  • Give maximum effort & strive for the best possible performance during a game, even if his team is in a position where the desired result has already been achieved.

  • Set a positive example for others at all times, particularly young players & supporters.

  • Avoid all forms of gamesmanship & time wasting.

  • Always have regard for the best interests of the game, including where publicly expressing an opinion on the game & any particular aspect of it, including others involved in the game.

  • Must not use inappropriate language or behaviour (swearing, spitting etc).

​All current Soccer Development members working in eligible roles with children and young people, such as coaches/managers and physiotherapists, are required to hold an in-date FA accepted DBS enhanced with barred list check as part of safer recruitment practice.


If there are concerns regarding the appropriateness of an individual who is already involved or who has approached us to become part of

Soccer Development guidance will be sought from the County Football Association (CFA). It is noted and accepted that The FA will consider the relevance and significance of the information obtained via the DBS process and that all suitability decisions will be made in accordance with legislation and in the best interests of children and young people.


It is accepted that The FA aims to prevent people with a history of relevant and significant offending from having contact with children or young people and the opportunity to influence policies or practice with children or young people. This is to prevent direct sexual or physical harm to children and to minimize the risk of ‘grooming’ within football.


​​4. Soccer Development supports The FA’s Whistle Blowing policy (as described in this paragraph) which requires any adult or young person with concerns about an adult in a position of trust within football can ‘whistle blow’ by contacting The FA Safeguarding Team on 0800 169 1863, by writing to The FA Case Manager at The Football Association, Wembley Stadium, PO Box 1966, London SW1P 9EQ, by emailing or alternatively by going direct to the Police, Children’s Social Care or the NSPCC.
Soccer Development encourages everyone to know about The FA’s Whistle Blowing Policy and to utilize it if necessary.


5. Soccer Development has appointed a Club Welfare Officer (Youth Teams) (“CWO”) in line with The FA’s role profile who has completed the Safeguarding Children and Welfare Officers Workshop by the CWO. The post holder will be involved with ongoing Welfare Officer training provided by The FA and/or CFA. The CWO is the first point of contact for all club members regarding concerns about the welfare of any child or young person. The CWO will liaise directly with the CFA Designated Safeguarding Officer and will be familiar with the procedures for referring any concerns. The CWO will also play a proactive role in increasing awareness of respect, poor practice and abuse amongst club members.​


​​6. We acknowledge and endorse The FA’s identification of bullying as a category
of abuse. Bullying of any kind is not acceptable at our club. If bullying does occur, all players and parents/carers should be able to access our anti- bullying policy and know that incidents will be dealt with appropriately. Incidents need to be reported to the CWO and in cases of serious bullying the CFA Designated Safeguarding Officer may be contacted.


7. Codes of conduct for Players, Parents/ Spectators, Officials and Coaches (as required by the CPSU Safeguarding Standards) have been implemented by

Soccer Development. In order to police these codes of conduct the club has clear actions it will take regarding repeated or serious misconduct at club level and

acknowledges the possibility of potential sanctions which may be implemented by the CFA in more serious circumstances.

8 Maximum coach to player ratios are:

1:12 up to school year 4

1:15 school year 5 and above   



8. ​​In this Club, safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, and we know that inaction is not an option. If anyone is worried about a child, it is important that they report their concerns to the CWO, who will deal with reported concerns as follows:​

  • Our CWO will manage poor practice and where necessary seek advice from the CFA Designated Safeguarding Officer (CFA DSO).

  • Our CWO will make referrals about more serious concerns to the CFA DSO, or in an emergency contact the Police or Children’s Social Care.

  • We will ensure that if the child needs immediate medical

  • treatment that we take them to a hospital or call an ambulance and tell them it is a child protection concern.

  • Our CWO will keep records of the actions taken and keep the CFA DSO informed.

  • If at any time our Club Welfare Officer is not available, or the matter is clearly serious, all our members should be aware that they can:

    • Contact the CFA DSO directly;

    • Contact The FA’s Safeguarding Team on 0800 169 1863 or


    • Contact the Police or Children’s Social Care; and/or

    • Call the NSPCC 24-hour Helpline for advice on 0808 800 5000 or text 88858 or email


Soccer Development understands and accepts our collective responsibility to adhere to our safeguarding children policy and procedures.

We commit to ensuring our members are aware of and have access to our policies.





  • Never join in activities always coach with full group in view.

  • Ensure children’s clothing is appropriate to environment to ensure they can play without danger from outside weather elements. All children to wear shin guards and appropriate footwear.

  • Ensure parents are keeping within codes of conducts.

  • In the event of extreme weather such as lightning session is called off or chidren/parents are safe indoors until poor weather finishes. If poor weather makes playing environment unsafe cancel game immediately.

  • Administer first aid in view of parents if possible. 

  • Always act and communicate in a professional manner and appropriate to age of children.

  • Try to avoid all physical contact with children and never go into same toilet as children. Never be left alone with children without parents or other coach.

  • Self- employed must ensure they have own public liability cover to at least £1 million and copy given to Head Coach ( Tim Moylette). 



  • All coaches must have a mobile phone at all times in case emergency services are required.

  • Keep first aid kit as supplied by club with them at all times and ensure that any items used are replaced. 

  • Ensure playing area is safe including goals and playing surface. If heavy steel or aluminium goals are not secure to floor do not use them and ensure they are flat on floor so children can not pull them over. 

  • Ensure children are playing in a safe manner. If any play in a dangerous manner , must be removed from playing area and 5 minutes off and explanation and reinforcement of how to play safe explained. On return if dangerous play continues to be removed from session to parents.

  • Only the coaches authorised by Tim Moylette are allowed to coach who have completed coach application and received club id badge.All Managers/coaches must have CRB/DBS CHECKS COMPLETED  WITHIN 3 YEARS/ UEFA level 1 , attended FA first aid course and child welfare within 3 years. 

Health & Safety 


Coaches / Managers key responsibilities


  • Coaches must have a good understanding of clubs protection policy and codes of conducts. (viewable on website)

  • Complete accident report form for all first aid incidents keep a copy and ensure copy emailed to Welfare Officer Tim Moylette . Inform Welfare Officer of any breaks to codes of conducts or any events that would become a concern regarding children’s welfare.

  • Arrival at school – drive in and out of venues under 5 MPH and always be aware of dangers to children.

  • Ensure at start of session that all children / adults understand our key safety rules, procedures in the event of a fire and procedures in the event of serious injury.

  • Keep a register with all players details,mobile numbers including medical details.   


Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 13.18.42.png
  • The FA’s Safeguarding Children Policy and Procedures (including the anti-bullying policy) are available via: footballs-safeguarding-framework

  • The FA’s Safer Recruitment guidance is available via: governance/safeguarding/section-3-safer-recruitment-and-dbs-checks

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